Some of the most masterful art in hip hop comes from collaboration projects. When two talented souls align and form a genuine chemistry, sky's the limit. Gran Larson and Tato Tatum joined forces to create "Playa Patnas". Urban dictionary partially defines the term as "mostly used in Texas for your homie, or someone you kick it with on a regular." This alliance is symbolic of unity and solidarity. I'm excited and honored to dive deep into the minds of these guys. After discovering Gran Larson's music, I instantly became a fan. This will be my introduction to Tato Tatum, but I'm pretty sure that If he's making a project with Larson, he must be of the same rap calibur. The Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) area has a well rounded hip hop scene, and these two are making a solid effort to stand out from the pack.
"The world is cold but dont you fold / stick to the code and never chase just take yo goals"
Tato Tatum - "To The Moon (Feat. L00NEY L00N"
Gran Larson & Tato Tatum "Playa Patnas" | Rap Nerd Review

The album opens up with the title track "Playa Patnas (Playa Sh*t)". Both of them went crazy on this laid-back banger. This is definitely something that was made to bump in the whip. Track 2, "Selfish" makes me think about how being selfish isn't always a bad thing. Grand Larson gives clarity to the word selfish when he raps on the hook, "Self-made, self respected, self paid, .... self build self sufficient..." I wasn't too fond of the autotune singing on the track, but the song still wan't bad overall. "For The Love Of Money" has a nice bounce to it and an infectious chorus. This is the one with the most commercial potential. The vibe takes a turn and gets more vulnerable on "For Real". Both emcees trade sharp lyricism over a soulful piano, and this song is one of the high points of the album for me.
"They say money the cure but how when the dice game can get you spilled for it?"
Gran Larson - "For Real"
So far half way through the album is jammin to say the least. I didn't so much like track 5, but track 6 "Take Off (float away)" is easily my favorite on the album. Everything about it from the beat to the groovy hook gives the listeners an audio high. Tato Tatum goes crazy on his verse with a unique flow, and a necessary RIP shout out to the late Migos rapper Takeoff 🚀. The feel good vibe continues to the next track "Sidney and Sharane", making me feel like I should be somewhere in Cali near some palm trees. The album wraps up with the soulful track "To The Moon (ft. L00NEY L00N). The opening verse from L00N is fire, full of passion and insightful bars, setting the stage for Gran Larson and Tato Tatum to finish the job. The part that stood out the most to me is when Tato raps at the end, "Shoot for the moon my ni**a, they say the sky the limit but I promise it's bigger". That's a great message leave the listeners with at the end of the album.
In conclusion this is a solid body of work with good replay value. It's refreshing to hear inspirational rap and not just the same ol' regularly scheduled programming. Regardless of how you make a living, at the end of the day, always keep it playa. Gran Larson and Tato Tatum make a fire duo, and they speak with much substance. It's clear that these two want to motivate people and push the culture forward. I'm very much pleased with the "Playa Patnas" album, and I recommend all rap nerds to go support their art!
TAP IN WITH Gran Larson---> https://allmylinks.com/granlarsonmusic
TAP IN WITH Tato Tatum---> https://www.instagram.com/tatosvision/
Rap Nerd Rating (4 out of 5)

Collaboration album from Texas artists Gran Larson & Tato Tatum.
released October 27, 2023 Created and Curated by: Gran Larson and Tato Tatum Production(s) by: MarcDBeats, Norbyega & RamoneInk Mixing by: Norbyega Artwork by: NorbyegaVision Photo by: 8efWonder
Review written by Derek "Rap Nerd" Moore
Rap Nerd LLC