Hip Hop culture has heavily influenced the thinking and the lifestyle of the youth worldwide since its inception in 1973. No matter what our cultural differences are, music is a universal language that speaks to the heart and soul of many. Most rappers who put their art into the universe for mass consumption aren't truly aware of how powerful their voice can be. Artur is a Polish American recording artist that seems to be understand the power of his art, and he uses his voice to uplift humanity and deliver positive advise to us all. His album T.H.O.T.H. (The harmonizing of the hemispheres) offers a new style that he refers to as "ascension rap". The overall message of the project is to be authentic, and always listen to your higher self. The teachings are intended to help people through the dimensional shift. Artur wants the listeners to know that together, we have to potential to unlock a new level of humanity.
" By far, missing the mark if you listen to the mass media, programming that fear, disease, and war, is what's eating ya."
Artur - "Starseeds Activate"
Artur ""T.H.O.T.H. (The Harmonizing of The Hemispheres)"" | Rap Nerd Review

The production quality of the project over all is stellar. The beats are complex and seemingly tailored to each song. The title is an acronym for "The Harmonizing of the Hemispheres", and "the healing of the hearts". While the message is quite complex, if there was one overarching theme of the album it would be to KNOW THYSLEF. The spiritual messages from Artur within this project should not be ignored, but rather followed like an omen as mentioned in one of my favorite tracks "Alien Abduction". Artur makes it clear that he wants for people to "grasp the idea of their worth". The project contains rhetoric about the ascension of all humanity, manifestation, and numerology. I noticed small things within the track list alone, like how track 5, "Starseeds Activate", has an exact run time of 4:44. Also track 11 has a total run time of 2:22 (not to mention 1+1=2). Artur displays his wide range of lyrical ability by rapping in English, German, and Polish.
Some of the stand out tracks that caught my attention the most are "Moving On Up", "Everyday", and "We Bring The Magic Back" where Artur says " It's not outside of you, you are the magic that you've been looking for. When I had the pleasure of interviewing Artur, he told me that he's a child of the 80's and heavily influenced by KRS ONE, Boogie Down Productions, and Mobb Deep amongst others. With 16 tracks in total, he makes sure that the beats are still well rounded enough to make the listening experience feel like a true audio adventure. The album has smooth groovy tunes like "Perfect Resonance", and also more dramatic sounding sings like the title track "T.H.O.T.H.". With the types of flow patterns Artur chooses on certain tracks I can really hear all of the golden era hip-hop artists that he is influenced by. Some of my favorite flows Artur uses is the conversational tone on track 8, "Architects of Conciousness". This is also one of my favorites because he advises the listeners to "activate that pyramid that is lying deep within" & "melting and merging woulds to create new realities". I believe that is an important message, because as human beings we are truly more powerful than we may think. Artur suggests on track 13, "In The Flow", that one should "shape your physical reality as if it was clay". I also love the unique pocket Artur jumps in when he delivers the verses on "Host of Rhythm". This is one of my favorites that I felt in my soul, because of the real instruments within the beat.
"It's not outside of you, you are the magic that you've been looking for"
Artur - "We Bring The Magic Back"
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the album. I'm a firm believer that artists of any kind must be conscious cognizant of what type of art we are putting into the universe. Once lyrics are recorded, they will remain in the universe forever. Like Artur told me in the interview, even if it only helps change the life of one person, then it is a success. While nobody is perfect, we must always strive to do our very best. "The kingdom is coming through each and every one of us".
released March 20, 2023
Artwork by Artur Janusz Domowicz
Written, recorded and performed by Artur Janusz Domowicz
Tracks produced by SFRbeats.com
Stock Media provided by ClaudioCaridi / Pond5
Stock Media provided by annlarich / Pond5
Stock Media provided by allexxandar / Pond5
Stock Media provided by allexxandar / Pond5
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Rap Nerd Rating (4 out of 5)

Review written by Derek "Rap Nerd" Moore
Rap Nerd LLC